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Category: Web Development

I write about web development because I am a web developer. The writings could help other developers & anybody who want to do it themselves. Or anyone who got stuck at a certain point and I may give it an answer.

I already got some feedback (blog comments) from readers who said that my guideline helped them to solve their problems.

In this web development topic, I discuss the following things: Domain, Web Hosting, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Localhost, FTP, CMS, and programming.

Also, I post case studies very frequently. See one of my case studies that shows why most websites fail »

By the way, if you don’t know, I also help people to create their websites. If you want to redesign your existing website or want to create a new one, feel free to reach out.

I wrote a short history of CSS. If you’re interested, check the post after. It also covers some other basic questions. Most of the CSS posts are experimental and include source code. These explain how to achieve something with CSS. Also, they contain my personal explanations and even videos where necessary.

CSS round corners

different border-radius

The most commonly used CSS for rounded corners Example of rounded corner Use the border-radius: 30px; property to make rounded corners. Not to mention, you can use any value instead of the 30px. CSS round corners with fill color Round corners and fill with color Use the background: #FFE797; property to fill with color (you can use any color code). And useborder-radius property to make rounded corners. CSS for button or link round corners Rounded Link Rounded Button Different border-radius for different corners Four unit border-radius Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit molestias at et ducimus error dolorem […]

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CSS strike through

CSS strike through technique

CSS strike through is not an exact property but you can achieve this goal with text-decoration. This is an example of css strike through. Also, you can use the class name to apply the text-decoration: line-through; property. Strikethrough certain word(s) Consectetur adipisicing elit necessitatibus sit quaerat liquid. HTML <del> versus CSS strike through (text-decoration: line-through) Also, you can use HTML <del> tag for the same purpose. And this <del> tag is semantically meaningful to web browsers. Especially if you are going to display outdated content or which content is not applicable at a certain context. The pricing tables are a great example of the basic uses of this <del> tag.This is an example of deleted text or strike through. Basic Package Premium […]

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How to center a div in HTML CSS?

Centering a div with CSS

Center a div both in vertical and horizontal directions using two different methods. In this post, I explained the CSS to centering a div using flexbox, positioning, and auto margin. Also, I mentioned one of the common fixes for CSS absolute position.

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CSS box model (A beginners guide to margin, padding & border)

CSS margin and padding explanation

In this post, I explained the CSS margin, padding, border, and box model. Also, I tried to clear the common confusion and demonstrate how these three components work together. Let’s get started. The easiest-to-understand diagram (box model) margin border padding In this example, the image is the content that has a 90px margin, 30px border, and 60px padding. What is the difference between padding and margin? Padding and margin both create spaces surrounding the content. But what makes them different? The padding creates space inside the content. And margin creates space outside of the content. And border lives in between […]

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CSS class versus id

css class vs id

Classes are the selectors in HTML that you can use in your CSS to stylize HTML elements. And CSS ID stands for the identifier. The ID is a unique selector in HTML that you can use in your CSS to stylize and to make an anchor.

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How to center text in HTML CSS?

Center align text using CSS

The “text-align” property aligns the text in center, left, right and also it can justify the texts. If you want to center align the text, assign its value to “center” (text-align: center). You can apply this “text-align” property to many of the HTML element such as p, div, section, h1-h6, etc.

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How to resize an image in CSS?

Resize image using CSS

You can use the width, max-width, min-width, height, max-height & min-height properties to change the image size. See the examples below. This is how you can resize the images. You can also add auto height & width but this is optional. For example: After you specify the width, the height will be automatically resized proportionally. In the same vein, if you specify height, the width will proportionally change. You can also use multiple width & height properties together. Please see some of the examples below. The above CSS will make the image 800 pixels if there is available space. But […]

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Center an image in various directions & methods

Center an image using CSS

In this post, I will show how you can center-align an image in various directions & using different methods (CSS). Any HTML element can be centered horizontally, vertically & both. Also, a horizontally centered image can be aligned at the top & bottom. In the same vein, a vertically centered image can be aligned at the left & right. If this doesn’t make sense, see the infographic below. Please take a look at all the live examples in the link below. Center align an image in all the possible directions If you take a closer look at the above infographic, […]

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Background image size (full-width, responsive, full-screen, etc)

background images size css

In this post, I will show you a couple of examples based on the background-size property. After reading it, you’ll learn how to make a full-width background image, how to make it responsive for all devices, full-screen background on any screen, custom size, etc. Before you start, you can also check the live demo of the finished examples that you’re going to build. You’ll get all the code samples and all the source code that powers the live preview template. Let’s get started. Examples of background image size Throughout the examples, I am only using plain text/paragraphs but you can […]

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How to center align text vertically?

CSS vertically centered text

The text-align: center can make any text horizontally centered. But if you need to make the text vertically centered, you have to do it differently. In this post, I will show you how to center-align text vertically. Also, I will give you multiple examples & use cases. After reading this post, you’ll be able to vertically center align text from various directions. Last but not least, you’ll get all the code samples and GitHub repo. Before you dive in, check the live previews of the finished products that you’re going to build. Let’s get started. Examples of vertically center-aligned text […]

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