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I write about Web Development, WordPress and Freelancing. But you may be not interested in all these topics. See the topics below that are interesting to you and you're curious to explore.

How to create a resume using HTML CSS (template included)?

Resume built with HTML CSS

In this post, I will show you how to create a resume or CV (curriculum vitae) using HTML & CSS. Also, I will give you the downloadable template so you can edit the information and quickly get started. The template I built for this post is completely mobile responsive. I will also tell you why this digital resume is essential and how you can host your resume online for free & how you’ll get a shareable URL from GitHub Pages. Also, I will show you how you can create a JPG/PNG/PDF of your resume. Let’s get started. Create a resume […]

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How to create a spinning animation in CSS?

Spinning animation with CSS

The best way to create a spinning animation using CSS is to use the keyframe & animation property. You can create many different variations in the keyframe and plug it into the animation property. In this post, I will show you a very simple and easy-to-build spinning box that rotates clockwise. See its demo below. Code for this spinner To create the above rotating spinner, I have the following HTML: HTML As you see in the above HTML, I only have a span tag with an animate-me class. You can use div or any other HTML tags. We need to […]

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Mouse double click tester online tool

Click in this box Clicks: reset First double click count: This double-click tester is an online tool for checking the clicks of your mouse. I used only HTML, CSS/SCSS, and pure JavaScript to build this tool. It’s pretty simple & straightforward. And it does not require any dependencies. If you want to build such a tool or practice, you can download it from my GitHub Repository.

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How to prevent the space bar key from scrolling the web page?

On a web page, if you hit the spacebar key on your keyboard, the web page will scroll down. This is a default browser behavior. So you can’t stop it using CSS. But you can do it using JavasScript. Don’t worry if you’re new to JavaScript. It’s only a few lines of code and works without any dependencies. How to prevent the spacebar from scrolling? To prevent the spacebar from scrolling the web page, write the following JavaScript: That’s it! Explanation of the above JavaScript keydown is an event. Every key on your computer keyboard has a unique number. In […]

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Spacebar counter (including source code)

You hit the spacebar following times: 0 If you want to start over, click the “Reset” button below. Reset Similar tool: Keyboard counter This is a free online tool that counts computer keyboard’s spacebar keypress. So if you want to see the total number on the fly, you can use it. Also, if you’re a web developer and want to practice, you can download the source code from the link below (My GitHub Repository). Download this project → I built this space bar counter only using HTML, CSS & JavaScript. I wrote the necessary comments on the JavaScript file so […]

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Negative impacts of WordPress page builders

Negative impacts of WordPress page builders

WordPress page builders are great for designing a website. A non-tech-savvy person can design a beautiful website using them. All these page builders have drag & drop widgets that save you from writing hundreds lines of code. You can quickly build a website and go live. But now what? Is that designing a website is everything? What is the purpose of building a website? Was your website able to fulfill your goal? In this post, I will show you the negative impacts of any WordPress page builders and how they are preventing your website from achieving your goal. I have […]

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How to remove the button border and default styles?

How to remove the button border using CSS

HTML buttons automatically get a border, background-color, and a few other styles. These are default styles made by web browsers. To remove the button border you have to specify border: none in your CSS. In the same vein, if you want to remove other default styles, you have to write additional CSS. Button default style Just by adding a button tag in your HTML, it will receive some styles from the web browsers. I added a button on my HTML document and tested it in 3 different web browsers. See the default styles in the screenshot below. If you take […]

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How to create a close button?

Create a close button

A close button refers to the icon that sends away another HTML document. By clicking the close button, the HTML document disappears. This type of close button can be found in a modal, popup window, warning, alert, etc. In this post, I will show you how to create a close button in different ways. Also, I will give you a couple of examples that may help you to implement the whole concept in your project. Different ways to create close buttons and their examples Some examples may contain JavaScript and some of them are not. Let’s get started. Example 1: […]

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How websites are created nowadays?

How websites are created

No matter what back-end programming language you use, the final output to the end users (web browsers) is plain HTML, CSS & JavaScript. From this perspective, you can assume that websites are created with HTML, CSS & JavaScript. A website can be created in many different ways. In this post, I will explain how websites are mainly created. After reading this post, you will have a clear idea about the following: Let’s get started. The most common ways to create websites In this digital world, websites are created in 3 main ways. Below I will discuss them briefly and give […]

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How to find the WordPress error logs file?

WordPress error log

In this post, I will show you how to find the error log file in your WordPress installation. I will also show you how you can generate this log file if this is not already created for you. So you can download & read the file, and fix the errors. Where can you find the WordPress error logs file? You will find the WordPress error logs file in the root directory where the wp-admin, wp-content & wp-includes folders live. The logs file is named “error_log” (without any extension). This “error_log” is your WordPress error logs file that contains all the […]

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