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I write about Web Development, WordPress and Freelancing. But you may be not interested in all these topics. See the topics below that are interesting to you and you're curious to explore.

How to hire a web designer?

Hiring a professional web designer is costly and crucial. If you hire someone without checking his/her background, this will cause issues down the road. In a few cases, you may waste time and money. This post explains the checklist before hiring a web designer. This will be a comprehensive guideline for first-time recruiters, but these are only limited to: Hiring a web designer is the most important step in turning your ideas and high-fidelity UI mockups into a real product that people can use. But it can be hard to find the right person because of their unknown level of […]

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The most common mistakes that website owners make

Why your website does not work, post thumbnail

Many website owners make common mistakes when creating and optimizing content for their websites. I will reveal those mistakes in this post. Probably, you’re also making at least one or more of them. Let’s see them one by one. Common mistakes for website content creation and SEO optimization In this context, content creation means writing for your blog posts & pages, and inserting/creating images/videos and other digital assets. SEO optimization refers to the acts that most people do for ranking high on search results. Some of these are honest mistakes (not intentional) but time-wasting, and some of them are intentional […]

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How to create outstanding content for your roofing website?

Roofing website content post thumbnail

Creating perfect content for your roofing website can be hard and time-consuming. It can be also challenging sometimes even if you have been working as a roofing contractor for a long time. But how do I know? Well, this is what I found while working for my clients. I have one client who had been using totally garbage content from 2010 to October 2023. In this post, I will explain the two main aspects: What you’ll get after reading this post? Here are the benefits you can get from this post: Let’s get started. How can you achieve perfect copywriting […]

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Roofing website template for download (responsive)

Roofing website template post thumbnail

This post will give you a static template for your roofing website. I built this template from scratch. You can use it for free. Also, you can convert this template or create the same layout on WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, etc. This template is unique, mobile responsive, fast loading, easy to manage/edit & professional. This will be an inspiration for anyone who needs a roofing website. If you don’t have enough budget to buy a theme or template or if you don’t want to spend money, you can download this template and create your roofing website within half an hour. Moreover, […]

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How to create a perfect roofing website that gets clients for you?

Create a roofing website

A roofing website can be a great source of clients if you build it right and emphasize the important aspects. Throughout 2023 & beyond, I designed & developed a couple of websites for roofers & property maintenance businesses in North America. During this development process, I learned a lot about this business and its main workflow. I saw how smart people are consistently grabbing customers. At the same time, I also saw some other people wasting their time & money on less important things. Before you begin, see the topics in the table of contents below. It will give you […]

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Create a landing page using HTML, CSS & JS (source code included)

Landing page template HTML, CSS, JS

A landing page is a great opportunity to get leads and make sales. It also helps the visitors to navigate through different content of your website. Your prospects get a clear idea about what you do and why they should interact with you. In this post, I will show you how to create a perfect landing page using only HTML, CSS & a small amount of JavaScript. I also have added a link to download the full template. Before you get started, see the live demo of the finished page that you’re going to build. Did you like it (live […]

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What is a responsive website?

what is a responsive website?

A responsive website is a layout that adapts all screen sizes such as mobile phones, tablets, desktops, etc. It does not require any extra effort for the end users to view the website on any device. A responsive website automatically fits the device viewport no matter what is the width & height. For example, a three-column layout on a desktop automatically breaks into one column on mobile. And the visitors don’t have to scroll horizontally on a smaller screen. Back in the 2000s, websites were made only for one screen size (such as large devices). So visitors had to scroll […]

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How to add Google fonts to your website?

Adding Google Fonts to website

To add Google fonts to your website, visit and choose the font(s) that you want to use. Note that you can choose multiple fonts at the same time. Also, you can select different font styles such as font weights like 400, 600, etc. For your inspiration, see Google font pairs (combination). Choose a font you want to use Anyway, once you’re on the home page, click any of the fonts. For example, Roboto is an example. After clicking a font, it will take you to the detail page. From there, you can choose/select as many styles as you want. […]

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How to create a static coming soon page? (template included)

Coming soon template HTML, CSS & JavaScript

To create a coming soon template or page, the most important part is the countdown timer. You can come up with any styles but your audience may want to see the remaining time to go live. In this post, I will show you how to create a static coming soon page only using HTML & CSS. I used a few lines of JavaScript only for the countdown timer. You can download the template & use it on your projects for free. Before you start, see the live preview of the coming soon page that you are going to build. If […]

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How to create a ribbon inside pricing cards (only HTML & CSS)?

Ribbon with pricing cards

In this post, I will show how you can create a simple ribbon in pricing cards. Also, I will give you a downloadable template that contains 3 pricing cards and a ribbon. In the real world, the ribbon is used only with one card/item that you want to highlight. And this is what I built in this post. Around the web, you’ll get many ribbon samples. But the problem happens when you try to implement them on your own projects. This is just because most of the samples are created with a blank HTML div that has a specific width […]

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