Fiverr gig title examples

The gig title on Fiverr has a huge impact on SEO, visibility, impressions, clicks & ultimately sales. No matter your level, a single gig can change the total game.

In this post, I will give you powerful gig title examples and show you how to create a better one.

But who I am you should listen to?

I had been working on Fiverr as a side hustle and earned (sold) more than $25,000 (twenty-five thousand USD) within a short period of time. See the income report below.

My earnings on Fiverr
My income report on Fiverr

Also, I quickly fulfilled all the requirements of being top-rated on Fiverr. Though I don’t work on their platform at this moment but have real experience.

That means you’re getting suggestions & information from a real person who has a proven track record of succeeding on Fiverr.

Anyways, let’s get started.

Why gig title is important on Fiverr?

It can be hard to land your first job on Fiverr. Also, you may already have completed some orders but it’s really hard to get them consistently.

In 2017, it took me a couple of months to land my first job on Fiverr. Even though it was only a 50-dollar order, I was very excited.

First job on Fiverr
My first job/order on Fiverr

I thought this order will open the door and I will keep getting sales. However, that did not happen. Because it took me another 39 days to land my second job.

Then another 44 days to get the 3rd job, 10 days to get the 4th job, and so on and so forth.

Frequency of getting the first 10 orders on Fiverr

1st order90 days (approx)
2nd order39 days
3rd order44 days
4th order10 days
5th order33 days
6th order11 days
7th order1 day
8th order1 day
9th order15 days
10th order15 days

The above table shows how many days it took me to land the first 10 orders.

That means it took me 259 days to land the first 10 orders on Fiverr (including the 1st job considering 90 days for it).

If I exclude the 90 days for the 1st job, then it took me 169 days to land 9 jobs. That means it took me 19 days on average to land one single job on Fiverr.

Order vs days on Fiverr

Both from the above table and graphs, do you notice that I was gradually getting orders on Fiverr?

I showed you the data to prove that it takes some time to make a significant amount of sales & get noticed.

How does a gig title help on Fiverr?

There are millions of sellers on Fiverr and most sellers have multiple gigs. No matter what industry you work in, there are thousands of sellers you have to compete with.

You will find hundreds of similar gigs to yours. It’s really confusing to buyers when they search for gigs and want to hire someone on Fiverr.

Buyers see all the similar gigs for a keyword and they don’t know which gig they should click.

Aside from the star ratings, seller level, and the number of reviews, buyers also see the gig image/video and title.

And this is where the gig title plays a vital role.

If you take a closer look, you’ll see that most gig titles are ultimately the same. But if you come up with a unique angle and catchy title, you will receive a higher CTR (Clickthrough rate).

This is how a catchy title gives you better CTR and helps you to stand out.

How to create a better gig title on Fiverr?

Fiverr already populates the gig title with the phrase “I will.” So you have to start with a verb. And this verb could be anything that matches your gig. Such as create, make, design, write, edit, etc.

You can write 80 characters maximum in a gig title (including spaces). But the best length of a Fiverr gig title is 50 to 59 characters (including spaces and excluding the phrase ‘I will’).

If you use the maximum character limit, your gig title will cut off in the search results. That means buyers don’t see the whole title when searching for gigs.

So never go above 59 characters when crafting your gig title.

Aside from this character limit, there are certain types of words that influence your buyers to click on your gig. So, try to use at least one word from the list below. But make sure it is aligned with your context. Don’t just include these words for the sake of getting clicks.

Power words for Fiverr gig titles

Emotional words for Fiverr gig titles

Uncommon words for Fiverr gig titles

Fiverr gig title examples

Now you know the character limit and click-worthy important words for gig titles. But how do you craft gig titles in your niche?

Below I have given some examples of gig titles for various niches that you can use as inspiration.

Logo designing gig title examples

Illustration gig titles

Social media marketing gig titles

Search engine optimization (SEO) gig titles

Blog post writing gig titles

Web design gig titles

Virtual assistant gig titles


Your gig title is one of the most important aspects in order to succeed on Fiverr. It can influence or demotivate buyers from clicking the gig. So if you craft a catchy title, it can increase the CTR.

You got a lot of real data and examples of gig titles. You can implement these tactics into your gig.

Success does not happen overnight. Wait at least one week after you create or reorganize a gig. If you update a gig title, don’t expect the output the next morning.

Also, an awesome gig title can not work alone. You also have to work on the gig image, description, search tags, and your Fiverr profile. You have to combine all these puzzles together in order to make significant sales.

Fiverr gig images and descriptions are very important. So it’s worth spending some time creating unique images and writing an awesome description.

Don’t get discouraged to tie all the bells & whistles. Keep improving everything I mentioned above, be patient and you’ll see the gig title & everything on Fiverr started to work.