In this post, I will provide you with a list of HTML and CSS projects so you can practice and brush up on your skills. I built each of these projects from scratch.
In these projects, you’ll build small websites, pages, templates, and single components like cards, navbar/header, footer, slider, etc. These are also real-world projects that will help you create living, breathing websites.
Table of contents
If you go through these projects, you’ll find the source code & live preview link. Also, these projects contain a link to my GitHub repositories.
I tried my best to explain each of them clearly and in simple terms. Also, I created custom infographics and provided necessary screenshots where necessary. But if you still have any problems or confusion, you can ask in the comment. I will try to help everyone as much as I can.
It took me about two years to build all these projects. This is not for complexity but for managing time, thinking about picking the correct topic/project, etc.
All these templates/projects are mobile responsive and well-coded. I always update them when necessary. So, when you practice, be assured that you’re working on an up-to-date project and not on deprecated technology.