hosting for the rest of us

Bluehost has different types of web hosting plans and each hosting plan contains 3/4 different packages. So it may seem confusing to non-techies. And if you’re a small business owner having average traffic, then you don’t need to buy the dedicated or VPS plan.

Best web hosting plan for small business owners

The “Choice Plus” package is the best for small businesses. It’s under the “Shared Hosting” plan.

Once you’re on the Bluehost homepage, navigate to “Hosting » Shared Hosting” (see screenshot below):

Bluehost shared hosing navigation menu

Scroll a little bit and you’ll find their 4 packages: Basic, Plus, Choice Plus & Pro. The “Choice Plus” package is recommended for many reasons that I will briefly discuss later.

Bluehost shared hosting packages

You can buy the “Choice Plus” package without any hesitation. Not to mention, I used this specific package for 3 years for my website. And it can handle 5000 monthly traffics without any problem.

But if you’re on a tight budget, you can go with the “Basic Package.” But it will allow you to build only one website and the server speed is lower than “Choice Plus.”

Why small business owners should go with the shared hosting

I wrote a detailed post about the best hosting plan for beginners. Feel free to check it after.

However, here is the gist: you don’t have too much traffic when you’re just getting started.

small business online shop

On average, most of the new websites get very low traffics and even zero. But if you already have a business in place and if you have 5K monthly traffics, you don’t need a dedicated server.

Shared hosting would be the best choice for small businesses and anyone who is getting started.

What kind of websites you can build on Bluehost shared hosting

Bluehost is specially designed for WordPress websites and it comes with preinstalled WordPress as the CMS (content management system).

types of websites bluehost can host on their shared hosting

But it does not mean that you’re only limited to WordPress. You can also build any static websites, eCommerce store (WooCommerce), etc.

So Bluehost is suitable for WordPress, static sites, and eCommerce (WooCommerce).

What is the best way to choose a small business host?

For small businesses, look at the following factors before you choose your host:

  1. Cost-effective
  2. Accessibility to customer support
  3. SSL (security sockets layer)

1. Cost-effective:

Thinking, web hosting, database

Bluehost provides you with the best services & server speed at a lower price. As a web developer, I have to work with various hosting companies daily. In my personal experience, I found their server in a good shape when it comes to speed and cost minimization.

Not to mention, there are other web hosting companies who will give you cheaper prices than Bluehost but you may be not happy with your website. Especially for poor speed and bugs.

So Bluehost is cost-effective hosting that provides you the industry-standard server speed and value.

2. Accessibility to customer support:

chat support agents

Bluehost customer support is just awesome. They are not only available 24/7 but also give you the ability to access them in just 1/2 minute.

Anytime you need their help, they will be always available for you and provide you with the best service within a short period of time and without keeping you waiting in a long queue.

3. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer):

security shield

A few things are mandatory for all sizes of businesses & websites. And SSL is one of them. It ensures a secure connection between the server and web browser (your hosting & visitor’s browser).

The padlock symbol before the URL ensures that the website has an SSL certificate. And Bluehost gives the SSL for free and with all of their hosting packages. Also, it comes preinstalled and you don’t have to install the certificate manually.

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If you run a small business and thinking to build a new website, Bluehost shared hosting plan is the best choice for you. And even if you have an average amount of traffic such as 2K per month and want to grow your website faster, you can host your website to Bluehost without any hesitation. Also, you can always upgrade your hosting plan with Bluehost.