Questions for buyers on Fiverr

The buyers can order your gig without asking any questions or without any prior discussion. But if you get the chance to discuss with the buyer, then ask them questions to gather the necessary information.

Here I included a lot of questions that I had been asking my clients.

Some of the questions are very specific to web design clients but you can edit them to match your niche or project. You can also use these questions in your “Gig Requirements” sections (max 10).

Get all the information you need from buyers to get started

#1 Basic questions that will give you a concept about the business

A man is thinking

1. What type of business/website is it (health & fitness, consultancy, digital marketing)?

2. Who are you (ex: physiotherapist, yoga instructor, SEO consultant, inspirational speaker, life coach, dentist)?

3. What does your business do?

4. What is your business location?

#2 Business model related

business meeting, business presentation, business model discussion

1. How do you want to generate revenue/income from the website?

2. What is (will be) your website/business title/name? (e.g: AJ Rich Therapy)

3. What is (will be) your website tagline? (e.g: Marriage and family therapist in LA)

#3 Relating to their competitors

business competitors, business competition

1. Who are your competitors (share links to their websites)?

2. Do you like other similar businesses/websites which might be examples (links to the websites)?

3. Do you know anyone who does the same thing/business? (This link is required for the content idea)

#4 Information that you may need to implement on the project

chess board

1. Are you just getting started or do you already have a business in place?

2. Do you want your customer to reach out to your email? If so what it is?

3. What is your business phone number (if you want your website visitors to contact you via phone)?

4. What is your goal (ex: getting more clients for my consultancy business)?

5. Who is the target audience (ex: website owners who are seeking SEO experts )?

#5 Find their strength

strength infographic

1. Why should people do business with you rather than your competitors?

#6 Collect available assets

men doing work

1. Do you have a logo & favicon for your website or do you want my team to design the logo & favicon for you?

2. Do you have text content for your entire website or do you want my team to write the content for your website?

3. Do you already have domain & hosting OR do you need help finding the right company?

4. Do you want to have social media icons on the website? If yes, please share all the social media account links.

#7 Ask if they need additional help

a person talking on a video call

1. Do you want my team to optimize the website for SEO?

2. What are the names of the pages you need? (ex: home, about, contact)

3. Do you need a Blog archive?

4. Do you want me to train you or your team on making website updates or content publishing or content editing?

5. Do you have any specific photos you plan to use on your website OR do you want to use free stock photos & give them courtesy OR do you want me to provide licensed photos?

6. Do you want to say anything else about your business/website which has not been covered yet?

Further reading

Fiverr gig image size for all types of devices
Powerful gig title examples for Fiverr to rank high
How to rank your gig on the first page of Fiverr?
Fiverr Cash Advance – Should you take this opportunity?
Is the Fiverr Seller Plus worth it?
How to use Fiverr search tags effectively?
Fiverr profile description sample
Fiverr quick response template and samples
Can you buy reviews on Fiverr?
How to write a winning proposal on Fiverr (with a sample)
Related posts that you can read to learn more about the platform and to improve your experience


Many freelancers on Fiverr are afraid of asking questions to their buyers. But if you ask proper questions to buyers, they will not only become happy but also you will gather the necessary information.

So don’t hesitate to ask questions and also make sure to not ask unnecessary questions.

You can go through all 26 questions above and use whatever matches your industry. Also, you can modify any questions and ask your buyers on Fiverr.